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Show-me StayClean A4 Whiteboards Plain/Plain (35 boards pens and erasers + Free cleaners) C/SMB
Product Code: EG60021
Pack Of 35
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Your Price Only €340.63
Inc VAT €418.97
in stock 3
This Show-me classroom pack contains 35 plain, double sided A4 whiteboards, 35 medium black drywipe markers, 35 erasers and a bottle of 100ml MAGIX whiteboard cleaner. The A4 whiteboards are great for all kinds of classroom activities including drawing, spelling, handwriting, mathematics and more.
This Show-me classroom pack contains 35 plain, double sided A4 whiteboards, 35 medium black drywipe markers, 35 erasers and a bottle of 100ml MAGIX whiteboard cleaner. The A4 whiteboards are great for all kinds of classroom activities including drawing, spelling, handwriting, mathematics and more.
Also comes with a teacher resources booklet full of ideas, tips and games
At last, with the original top quality Show-me? drywipe boards you can get a class full of answers to a 'hands-up' question.
Double-sided: plain on both sides
Each pack comes with boards, drywipe markers, erasers and cleaner
Great for drawing, spelling, handwriting, mathematics and more
Made from hardwearing high gloss 650micron PVC - virtually indestructible.
Pack includes 35 whiteboards, drywipe pens and mini foam erasers, plus teachers' resources booklet.
Pack of 35
Size: A4
911265911265EG60023Show-me SUPERTOUGH A4 Whiteboards Plain/Plain Classpack (35 boards pens and erasers + Free cleaners)Your Price: €582.16
911303911303EG60117Show-me Drywipe Marker Fine Tip Black (Pack of 10) FPSDPYour Price: €22.19
805088805088KF04504Q-Connect Whiteboard Surface Foam Cleaner KF04504Your Price: €31.88
790933790933AR00357Artline Smiley Whiteboard Eraser Assorted (Pack of 4) ERTmm4AYour Price: €51.22
805567805567KF26109Q-Connect Premium Whiteboard Marker Bullet Tip Black (Pack of 10) KF26109Your Price: €42.12
KF04504KF04504KF04504Q-Connect Whiteboard Surface Foam Cleaner KF04504Your Price: €31.88
AR00357AR00357AR00357Artline Smiley Whiteboard Eraser Assorted (Pack of 4) ERTmm4AYour Price: €51.22
KF26109KF26109KF26109Q-Connect Premium Whiteboard Marker Bullet Tip Black (Pack of 10) KF26109Your Price: €42.12
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